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How to Take Screenshots on Your Mac – A Simple Guide

How to Take Screenshots on Your Mac – A Simple Guide

How to Take Screenshots on Your Mac

You can quickly capture the entire screen, a specific window, or a selected portion of the screen on your Mac. Follow these simple steps to take a screenshot:

1. How to capture the entire screen

To take a screenshot of the entire screen, press the following keys: Shift + Command + 3.

Once the screenshot is taken, a thumbnail will appear in the corner of your screen. You can click the thumbnail to edit the screenshot immediately or let it save directly to your desktop.

2. How to capture a selected portion of the screen

To take a screenshot of a specific portion of the screen, press Shift + Command + 4. The pointer will change to a crosshair.

Click and hold your mouse or trackpad button while dragging to select the desired area. To move the selection without resizing it, hold the Space bar while dragging. If you change your mind, press Esc to cancel.

Release the mouse or trackpad button to capture the screenshot. A thumbnail will appear in the corner of your screen.

3. How to capture a window or menu

To take a screenshot of a specific window or menu, open the desired window and press Shift + Command + 4, followed by pressing the Space bar. The pointer will change to a camera icon.

Click the window or menu to capture it. To exclude the window's shadow from the screenshot, hold the Option key while clicking.

4. Where to find your screenshots

By default, screenshots are saved on your desktop with the name "Screenshot [date and time].png". If you see a thumbnail in the corner of your screen, you can drag it to save it elsewhere.

Frequently Asked Questions about Taking Screenshots on Your Mac

How do I take a screenshot of the entire screen on my Mac?

To take a screenshot of the entire screen, press Command + Shift + 3. The screenshot will automatically be saved to your desktop.

How do I take a screenshot of a specific area?

Press Command + Shift + 4, then use the mouse to select the area you want to capture. Once you've selected the area, the screenshot will be taken and saved to your desktop.

How do I take a screenshot of a window on my Mac?

To take a screenshot of a specific window, press Command + Shift + 4, then press Space. Click on the window you want to capture, and the screenshot will be saved to your desktop.

Can I change where screenshots are saved on my Mac?

Yes, you can change the default location where screenshots are saved by using Terminal commands. Follow the instructions in the guide on the blog to change this setting.

How do I take a screenshot of the Touch Bar (if my Mac has one)?

If your Mac has a Touch Bar, you can take a screenshot of it by pressing Command + Shift + 6.

How can I edit a screenshot on my Mac?

After you take a screenshot, you can open it in the "Preview" app to edit it. From there, you can crop, highlight, and add text to the image.

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